petek, 4. marec 2022


Ko te prečudoviti papirji inspirirajo ...

 When papers inspires you....

Doma jih imam že nekaj časa pa sem jih gledala, pospravila, spet vzela iz omare in spet nazaj,....

Dokler ni prišel da, ko je bila volja dovolj velika, da šakrje zarežejo v njih. Čudoviti papirji Lovely when you smile od Craft O`Clock.

I have these papers in my stash for some time. And now was the time to bring them in action.


Imam večjo rezalno šablono, s katero si lahko vrežeš krasno osnovo za voščilnico malo drugačne oblike. 

 A set of dies for a bigger card in a different shape was isnspiering me to do a duet. because the shape has that little flap at the end I want to make a mini albun with it. Firs here is a card.



Ta šablona pa ima krasen mali zaključek, ki ga lahko spremenimo in uporabimo, kot flap za pritrditi v album. Seveda sem mogla poskusiti tudi kako zgleda albumček take oblike. 

Vanj lahko spravimo fotografije 9 x 13. 

Sem pa nardila malo miselno napako, podlage za fotografije sem naredila 9 x 13, tako da jih fotografija popolnoma prekrije, zato mislite na to, ko boste oblikovali podlage za fotografije, da so le te malo večje. Če to seveda želite. 

Voščilnica je zataknjena na platnico albuma, zato same platnice nisem dekorirala. 

The card is stuck on the cover of the mini album, so I didnt decorat it. 











Tukaj pa vam pokažem nekaj fotografij kako je nastal  albumček. 

Here are some fotos how I made the mini ablbum. 

Nardila sem utor za zavihek, s katerim sem potrem stran mini albuma pritrdila na platnice.

Zalepila sem skupaj hrbet in platnici.

Previdno upognila , da se bo lahko potem lepo odpiralo.

Da bo hrbet in vezava še bolj stabilna sem vse skupaj še enkrat prelepila z širokim samolepilnim trakom iz blaga.

Sedaj pride na vrsto leplenje platnic.  Z močnim rdečim lepilnim trakom sem jih pritrdila na hrbet, ki je ravno dovolj širok, da vse stranice pašejo nanj.



S tem kompletom sem gostja na  blogu Creative Artiste Mixed media Bog.   na njihovem #80 izzivu.


Obiščite njihov blog in se nam pridružite pri ustvarjanju. 



 Lepo, da ste se oglasili pri meni. 


Se berem kmalu. 







4 komentarji:

  1. WOW!...Janja, what a fabulous little album!!! I loved watching your creation of it. It is such a beauty!

  2. That is just stunning. I just love it. I have just spent the last 1/2 hour looking at all the beautiful details and designs. You have inspired my to try and create my own little book using some of the tips I have learnt from your bog. Thank you for being our quest designer at Creative Artiste this month. Have a creative week. Judy DT

  3. Created with such Elegance, a stunning album created with love ready to display memories. Beautiful choice of papers Janja, it's been a years since I have created an album like this from scratch you make me want to go and create one right now, so inspiring.
    Congratulations on being our Guest Designer this month @ Creative Artiste, what a treat for us all.. Thank YOU. Creative wishes Tracey (DT)

  4. Simply breathtaking and beautiful Janja. Time consuming with so much satisfaction you must have with the end result. Those designer papers are magnificant. Thanks so much for such detail showing us how you created this masterpiece. So glad we have you as our Guest this month at Creative Artiste. What a talent you have!
