četrtek, 30. januar 2020

And so the adveture begins

This is a great sentiment.
 After 18 years of living together with my partner we desided to get married. Wedding was in Rocka Billy style and a special surprise for me was bride`s car. It was a bug with black dots. It couln`t be better. I love bugs !!!!💗 And when I saw the theme and moadborad a Kraft Plus Challenge I new tahat this foto would be just right for this. It is my favorite car, for specila occasioin, with dots!!! A perfect surprise for me.


In my stash I have a cfart album and it is time to make some crafting in it. So I did. It is a first page and I used one of my favorite fotos of our wedding.The papers are scraps left over from decoration that I made for the weeding so everything comes together perfectly. 

Entering : -  Craft plus challenge
                 - Love to craft  challenge blog 
                 - more Mixed Media Challenge        


torek, 28. januar 2020

color challenge

I love creating for challenges with color palet. This time I cobmined it with two sketch challenges. So everything was done for me. I only had to look through my stash for the right papers.

At Craftalnica we sholud create something  with Pastel colors ( i was a bit too late for entering ) .The sketch for this card I found  at Sweet Sketch Wensdey 2
This card i am entering to the challenge Sweet Sketch Wensday 2 (sketch 174)

The inspiration for the second card I get at The paper girls challenge blog.I played a bit with my new dies from Sizzix designed by Tim Holtz  Fresh backed (663100). Realy like them. 
 The sketch is from Sweet sketch wensday 2.
Entering this card to #192 - Winter color challenge

  Thank you for visiting my blog. Hope to see you again.

Have a colorful day.

petek, 24. januar 2020


Hello my dear friend!
My first try on twofer challenge. This month was to use a heart on cards for two different occasions. Here are my herts on the first card. I cut two different size and made from the hearts a clover.

And the second card is a valentinse card.

It`s  really fun to play and use our dies in a different way.

It is not the last time I play this way. 

Thank you for visiting me today. Wish you a colorful day. 

sreda, 22. januar 2020

Winter atmosphere

Hello my dears!
This winter is much to warm. But with beautiful January moadbord on the Lemoncraft blog we can create a Winter atmosphere.
I used  papers from the collection Daydream. Made a fomairan poissentia with Tim Holtz die (658261) and some die cuts with Holiday greens mini (661597) and the card was coplete.

Entering this card to Lemoncraft January challenge.

For my stock I made some cards with other papers from the same collestion.

The last one is with pastel blue tones and its perfect for the challenge on Crafalnica blog and thair challenge #252 PASTEL 


Thank you for visiting my blog today. Have a creative, colofrul time.

sreda, 1. januar 2020

Nekdo se je pravbkar rodil.

Pozdravljene v novem letu. Upam, da ste prijetno skočili v novo številko na koledarju in nove 
dogodivščine, ki nas čakajo na naši poti v novem letu. 
Nekaterim se je pa začelo tudi posebno novo obdobje. Novo življenje, rojstvo, .... ker se je nekdo pravkar rodil. Majda je izbrala za začetek novega leta tako čudovito temo  v naši hiški, da sem se zelo veselila in imela kar nekaj idej kako izpeljati projekt. Na koncu sem se odločila, da bom spet reciklirala. Predelala sem škatlo od kock, ki jih je moja hčerka dobila. 
V moji zbirki papirjev, pa so že nekaj časa na svoj razrez čakali papirji iz kolekcije My little baby boy od Fabrica decoru. Slončka na oblaku sem izrezala in ga zalepila na luno. Iz istega papirja kot luno sem izrezala tudi zvezde različnih velikosti in jih razporedila po ozadju. Od prejšnjega projekta  smrekice so mi ostale še majhne lučke, ki so na zdajšnjem projektu prišle zelo prav. Malo sem vse še okrasila s foamiran rožicami.

Čudovite projekte so pripravile tudi Majda, Sonja, Hali, Veana in Valerija

Vabljene na obisk v našo Veselo hiško.

Fotografija osebe Veana R. Rot.

Ni še sicer čista tema, pa sem vseeno probala. Tako zgled, ko se lučke od znotraj  prižgejo in osvetlijo zvezdnato nebo in spečega slončka.

Tako je zgledala škatla od igrač preden se je spremenila v prelepo presenečenje z lučko za novorojenčka.