nedelja, 29. september 2019

sea treasure

Hallo my dears!
The sommer si not over. The days are still warm and our tresures from holidays around us.
These little wooden box become a treasure box full of sea shells and other secrets.
I coverd everything with Finnabair black gesso. I colord it with Finnabair Art achemy Metallic Royal blue and Pentart Acrylic paint. The finishing touch get the project with Finnabair Waxes Blue lagoon, Peacock, Old denim, Blue velvet.

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sreda, 25. september 2019

birthday card

Lepo pozdravljeni ponovno pri meni. 

Kako lepo je presenetiti svoje najbližje za rojstni dan z unikatno voščilnico. Tokrat sem izdelala večjo voščilnico z Lemoncraft papirji iz kolekcije Grow old with me. Zapre se s satenastim trakcem. V notranjosti sem pustila prosto za voščilo in na drugi strani naredila žepek za darilo.

Hello my dear friends!
It is so beautiful to surprise relatives with hommade cards. For a special occasion I made a card with Lemonctaft Collection Grow old with me. I decorated with some handmade foamiran flowers, cuttouts from the paperpad.

I am entering this card to:



torek, 24. september 2019


Lepo pozdravljeni ponovno pri meni na blogu.

 Dekleta v Craftalnici imajo vedno tako lušne izzive, da se jim kar ne morem upreti.Tokrat je tema izziva Reciklaža. Saj veste, da nas je veliko ustvarjalk takšnih, ki rade hrčkamo in to vse mogoče stvari. Tudi jaz spadam med te. Dolgo sem premišljevala kaj bi naredila, pa mi ta lesena kištica od jagod ni in ni dala miru. Lotila sem se dela. Najprej sem vse lepo pobarvala z belim gessom, s čudovito Finnabair stencil šablono sem naredila ozadje, ki sem ga pobarvala z Distresss stain spreji. Narezala nekaj kvadratkov dizajn pairja in jih razporedila po ozadju, dodala sliko in foamiran rože, ki sem jih naredila že pred časom in so čakale na svoj projekt. In tako je kištica dobila novo vlogo.Ni vedno potrebno dajati slik samo v okvirje, z malo barve in domišlije lahko naredimo unikatne spomine.

nedelja, 8. september 2019

layout- amazimg

Danes z vami delim layout. Tokrat so punce v Craftalnici naredile čudovito skico kateri smo morali slediti. Ker dandanes delamo vse polno slik sem iz svoje zaloge vzela dve. Naši malči so čudoviti motivi za res originalne spomine. Za izdelavo sem uporabila meni zelo ljube Lemoncraft pairje iz kolekcije House of roses. S  stencil šablono Nelli`s sem naredila vzorec s pomočjo Distress oksidov, izrezala nkej rož in metulljev za končni izgled.

I share with you a layout. This time made girls over at the Craftalnica blog a beautiful sketch. I looked for verry special photos in my stash. Our children are realy special and perfect for unique memories. For the layout I used one of my favorite Lemoncraft papers from the collection House of roses. For the beckground i used Nelli`s stencil and Distresss Oxide.For decoration some fussycuted flowers and butterfly.

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nedelja, 1. september 2019

shabby card

Hello my dear friend!
It is already september. And with  a new month there is on FB page PAPIRČKARICE a new challenge. The teme is SHABBY. I am verry happy to be there as a guest and for that occasion I creted a card. Made with beautiful collection Grow old with me from Lemoncraft. For decorating I cut out some leafs with Sizzix dies. Made some foamiran flowers with Studioliht flower cutting die. Most of my material I bought in Darilnica Klavdija.
Wish you wery happy, creative beginning of september.

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Thank you for visiting my blog! See you next time.