Danes z vami delim layout. Tokrat so punce v
Craftalnici naredile čudovito skico kateri smo morali slediti. Ker dandanes delamo vse polno slik sem iz svoje zaloge vzela dve. Naši malči so čudoviti motivi za res originalne spomine. Za izdelavo sem uporabila meni zelo ljube
Lemoncraft pairje iz kolekcije
House of roses. S stencil šablono
Nelli`s sem naredila vzorec s pomočjo
Distress oksidov, izrezala nkej rož in metulljev za končni izgled.
I share with you a layout. This time made girls over at the
Craftalnica blog a beautiful sketch. I looked for verry special photos in my stash. Our children are realy special and perfect for unique memories. For the layout I used one of my favorite
Lemoncraft papers from the collection
House of roses. For the beckground i used
Nelli`s stencil and
Distresss Oxide.For decoration some fussycuted flowers and butterfly.
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