Tako sem za tokratni projekt uporabila karton na katerem so bili prilepleni izrezki iz lepenke, ki sem jih porabila na drugih izdelkih. Za teksturo in ozadje pa polno tagov, ki jih dobimo ob nakupu novih oblačil. Nekaj lesenih koščkov, ki so zadaj pri platnu in pokrov od piva, ki sem ga s kleščami sploščatila.Za dodatno teksturo pa še zidarsko mrežico. Z gel medium sem vse dele zalepila na podlago, jih prebarvala z belim gessom.Odločila sem se za rumeno in temno zeleno barvo, ki sem jima dodala malo bromaste patine.
We have a lot of diferrent things in drawers. All the small things others throw in trash. But if you are mixed media artist you are different.Then for you all these things have potencial to be in your new project. On the blog Scraps N Pieces they have beautifull moadbord. I was inspired to use all my trash.
For this project I used the cardboard from my chipboard, clothes tags, beer lied, masnory net, some pieces of wood and left ower numbers from another project. Decide to use dark green and yellow color and some bronze.
Love love love this vibrant creation! Spring can be grungy too :) Thank you for playing along with us at Scraps N Pieces!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAmazing project and a great take on our challenge! Thank you for joining us at ScrapsNPieces!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat mixed media project! I love that you used your "trash"! Thank you for playing along with us at Scraps N Pieces!