torek, 22. januar 2019

My alterd brush

Pozdravljeni dragi prijatelji!

Tudi v tokratni objavi se vam javljam z mixedmedia projektom.Na blogu Art playground imajo ta mesec zelo dobro temo - WIND OF CHANGE. Ravno prava tema za začetek novega leta.Velikokrat si zadamo nove cilje, želimo uvesti spremembe, rasti.Zato je potrebno stopiti iz svoje cone udobja in probati kaj novega, drugačnega.Nekaj tvegati, da lahko rastemo in se razvijamo.
Tudi pri ustvarjanju je tako.Uporabiti je potrebno nove barvne kombinacije, materjale ali se lotiti kakšne nove tehnike.Meni je tokratni izziv predstavljal, da uporabim barvno kombinacojo, ki je ne uporabljam veliko in nova podlaga.Lotila sem se predelave odsluženega večjega čopiča.Kar nekja časa me je že čakal pobarvan z gessom. Zbrala sem pogum in se lotila dela.

Hello my dear friend!

Again  these time I show you a mixed media project. On Art playground blog they have a beautiful theme WIND OF CHANGE. The theme is perfect for the beginning of the year. Many times we have set new goals.We make changes and will grow. That is why we had to step out of our comfort zone and try something new, diferent.Risk something, so we can grow and develope.
Creating is also a proces of trying new suplies, techniks, products, style, colors. My chalenge on the moodboard on Art playground was the color.I don`t use these colors verry often and I challenged my self by altering an old brush.He waited for me couite some time colord with white gesso.And this challenge was just the right time to use it.

Uporabila sem:

I`m entering my project to:


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